Aaron Rodgers – 130

Aaron Rodgers is one of America’s most famous professional football players and is currently playing for the Green Bay Packers. Aaron also played football for the University of California at Berkeley and has actively contributed to the victories of the institute in the field of sports. The pro athlete was one of their star players and held the position for two consecutive years before getting drafted into the Packers. As of late, he has continued to stay in the said team.

Aaron was also made a starter since 2008 and led his team to victory during Super Bowl XLV and won two MVP awards as a result. The beloved football player has also set many passing records for the NFL during his MVP year. Many who have doubted Aaron in the past are now convinced that he isn’t just a one-trick athlete that focuses on one strength but is a versatile quarterback that has the ability to adapt and take his skills to the next level. It does not come off as a great degree of shock, then, that his IQ is 130.