Albert Einstein – 160

Albert Einstein was a German physicist that was credited as one of the greatest minds in human history. Einstein was the man who developed and created the pathway for a modern understanding of physics because of his general theories of relativity. He was also awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921 for his genius approach and explanation of the photoelectric effect. Einstein’s theories were some of the deciding factors in modern human civilization’s journey in pursuit of the final frontier – outer space.

There is no other physicist of the last two generations that has been as influential as Einstein, and it’s possible that there will never be another genius quite like him again. The brilliant scientist used to face criticism and scorn from the physics community with his papers that proved to be either too complicated and or bordered on the realm of science fiction for the critics that read them. When he finally proved to everyone that he was indeed on to something revolutionary, the prejudice quickly changed— and the rest is history. There have been inconsistencies regarding Einstein’s real IQ, but recent findings indicate that it may have hovered around 135 to 160.