Sigmund Freud –156  

Sigmund Freud is regarded as the Father of Psychology by the general public— and with good reason. Freud was an Austrian neurologist who was widely popular for his formulation of psychoanalysis, which is arguably one of the most revolutionary theories of psychology. The philosopher also invented numerous theories regarding libido, sexuality, and ego.

In popular culture, Freud may have had one of the most controversial careers in the field of psychology but was generally respected to the highest degree because of his intellect, ideology, and trains of thought whenever a particular topic was being conversed. Freud had already set his career in motion after graduating when he set up a clinic to conduct private practices. The legendary Father of Psychology was rumored to have had an IQ of around 153, but that number is highly debatable as intelligence tests during the time were still more basic in comparison to what we have today.